Good Morning America & The Fiduciary Standard

Greetings, readers. The air has become crisper and the temperature milder here in the Big Apple. With the summer officially behind us, I expect the fourth quarter to be very exciting, both personally and professionally. But tonight, let’s keep it professional. On Monday morning (9/28), you can catch me on Good Morning America in the[…]

Quoted in – Millennial IRA contributions are growing

It’s great to see that millennials are increasing their retirement savings. When CNBC asked me if I was shocked that the percentage of millennials making contributions to their IRA was 26% higher in the first quarter of 2015 than during the same period a year ago, how could I say I wasn’t? Even though I was[…]

Quoted in – How to prioritize retirement savings? Try these 3 steps

The press train keep moving along with a great feature on This week I chime in on retirement savings. I always hear the debate about which form of retirement savings is best. Is it Traditional or Roth? Now, before anyone gets strong feelings about either one (that’s right calm down people) let’s recognize that[…]

Smart Social Security Strategies @ New York Public Library

This past (rainy) Saturday morning, I started my day by delivering a seminar on Smart Social Security Strategies (say that five times fast) at the New York Public Library’s Science Industry and Business Library on Madison Ave. in mid-town NYC, sponsored by the Financial Planning Association of New York. With so much of my attention going to #millennials these days,[…]