Special Trip to CNBC, Industry Changes and Guest Blog

What a special week. On Tuesday morning, I was scooped up in a large SUV to shoot millennial money segments at CNBC. While back stage I met Sue Herera (Nightly Business Report and Power Lunch) who gave me and my fellow panelist (Amanda Lott) some unsolicited parenting advice. She’s super nice and I was honored to[…]

Nightly Business Report (CNBC): Millennials & Money Series

Monday night’s Nightly Business Report, which airs across the nation, debuted the three part CNBC special titled Millennials & Money, which I filmed back in May with Sharon Epperson. I had a brief feature in Part 1: The Biggest Financial Barriers for Millennials,  but was back for Part 3: Student Debt Ripple Effect to discuss the outlook for the millennials. You can check out the[…]

Cited on MarketWatch: What NOT to do when closing on a home.

Just a few weeks after the Experian first-time homebuyer #CreditChat (by the way, be sure to check this out on Twitter every week @ 3pm) this great article via MarketWatch came out with a few mentions from me and other leading industry professionals. It’s amazing what most people don’t know about the homebuying, let alone the delicate process[…]

First-time Homebuyer #CreditChat w/ Experian

Yesterday was my first Twitter Chat and Google Hangout. Experian, the well known credit reporting agency, has invited be to be a guest of a number of their #CreditChat panels, which take place every Wednesday @ 3:00pm. You can learn more about these amazing opportunities for financial education here: www.experian.com/creditchat. The topic for yesterday’s chat was[…]

Older Millennials Are Millennials, Too

The Millennial Generation is diversely one. I was reading an article on POPSUGAR titled Why Early-’80s Babies Are Different Than Other Millennials. I found the article quite amusing and relatable, since I am on the older end of the Millennial spectrum. It examines the segment that is arguably wedged between Gen X and Millennial (the premature-Xer or[…]

Quoted in CNBC.com – Millennial IRA contributions are growing

It’s great to see that millennials are increasing their retirement savings. When CNBC asked me if I was shocked that the percentage of millennials making contributions to their IRA was 26% higher in the first quarter of 2015 than during the same period a year ago, how could I say I wasn’t? Even though I was[…]

Quoted in InvestmentNews – I Support #Millennials

Hot on the #millennial trail once again, I was featured on InvestmentNews.com yesterday for an article about how financial advisors / the financial services industry doesn’t make millennials a top priority. How rude! Well, you all know that this isn’t true over here. My quote says it all. Check it out the article here.