Good Morning America & The Fiduciary Standard

Greetings, readers. The air has become crisper and the temperature milder here in the Big Apple. With the summer officially behind us, I expect the fourth quarter to be very exciting, both personally and professionally. But tonight, let’s keep it professional. On Monday morning (9/28), you can catch me on Good Morning America in the[…]

Quoted in InvestmentNews – I Support #Millennials

Hot on the #millennial trail once again, I was featured on yesterday for an article about how financial advisors / the financial services industry doesn’t make millennials a top priority. How rude! Well, you all know that this isn’t true over here. My quote says it all. Check it out the article here.

Smart Social Security Strategies @ New York Public Library

This past (rainy) Saturday morning, I started my day by delivering a seminar on Smart Social Security Strategies (say that five times fast) at the New York Public Library’s Science Industry and Business Library on Madison Ave. in mid-town NYC, sponsored by the Financial Planning Association of New York. With so much of my attention going to #millennials these days,[…]