Summer Swag, Closing Time and In The News: “40 Under 40”

Hello sunshine!

imgSeriously, things are heating up here in the city and summer is in full swing. The upper 80s are lower 90s are becoming the new weekly norm. So grab a cold one and relax while reading this month’s blog.

Speaking of keeping cool, let’s do something fun. The first 25 people to tell me the 3 steps needed to “Launch” their personal finance game will get a Bouffant-ed Summer Swag Kit from me in the mail. What’s in said kit you ask? We got empowerment meme magnets and stickers, die cut logo stickers and a branded koozie for the taking. I assure you the answer is someone where on my web site. You can respond by completing the form on the Work With Me page.

For those loyal followers, you always hear me talking about the great things in life. Last December, the arrival of #HazelNut set the tone of just how great those things can be. They say good luck comes with babies and houses, so I guess that means we needed a house if we wanted to double down on our luck. Yesterday, Heather and I took a big leap from renters to home owners. That’s right, we bought a home. Goodbye Manhattan (don’t worry, I will be back for work) and hello suburbs of Northern Jersey (it’s not South Florida, but I will take it!).

img-1Now, before you go crazy thinking that my blog is just a forum to brag, please know that this is only partly true! Yes, this whole home thing is pretty frickin’ awesome, but Heather and I buying a house is more than just a milestone in our lives. It’s an example of what I’ve been sharing with you all along. It’s about how embracing personal finance, implementing the concepts surrounding financial planning and hardwork can help you achieve your goals more quickly than if you’re just shooting from the hip.

So, if you’re willing to empower yourself with this knowledge and work really hard for what it is you want – no matter the number of wrong turns you took in the past (i.e. like taking on an absurd amount of student loan debt) – then nothing can get in the way of your success. Please take the time to learn and embrace what I am putting out there so you can increase the probability of great things happening in your life. Don’t believe me? Well that’s because you didn’t try.

imgPer the usual, there’s a slew of press in the last month that I want to share with you. First, the long awaited sponsored content I did with Vox came out. You can check out Up Grade: A Guide to #Adulting here.  I am featured in a number of videos, but compliance suggests that I point you to the following two:

  1. You want to have a family. Here’s what it will cost you” and
  2. Want to buy a house? Here are five things you need to know”.

A big thank you goes to Vox Media and General Motors Company for taking the time to include me in their super lux content.

Second, The Street was kind enough to give me a few lines for two articles. The first article explores why institutional investors aren’t eager as some other’s to dive into Bitcoin. I think this is the first time I’ve gone on the record giving an opinion about the digital currency. Did you know my friend and I bought a miner over a year ago and mined 13 coins?! I bet you didn’t. It was fun, I think I am break even on the investment and I learned a lot. The second article is GenY related and explores this myth (I think) that Millennials hardly invests in the stock market. The research data is interesting, but potentially misleading.

img-2Lastly, but certainly not the least, I was named to the InvestmentNews “40 Under 40” class of 2016! The third annual “40 Under 40” project spotlights 40 dynamic honorees, all under age 40, who were selected from a pool of approximately 800 nominees by a panel of reporters, editors, and other representatives of InvestmentNews. Winners were chosen based on their level of accomplishment, contribution to the financial advice industry, leadership, and promise for the future. You can check out the award page here or for more information visit

I can’t begin to tell you what an honor it is to be recognized like this by the industry. When this award first came out more two years ago, I had hoped that one day I would be in a position to receive it. I owe a huge thanks to my family, friends and clients who’ve supported my pursuit in doing something that I truly love. I promise to use this achievement to further drive my mission to change the way we view person finance in our society.

Thanks for reading and I will see you in August!

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