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In the Media

Making America Great Again One ATM Fee at a Time

Making America Great Again One ATM Fee at a Time

In the last month, the media has not slowed down with appearances on national TV, like this segment on Fox & Friends about skyrocketing ATM fees, and this CNBC article offering 5 financial tips for expecting parents, which was awesome because it hits very close to home for my wife and I as we inch closer and closer to welcoming our baby girl into the world. My transformation into a melted stick of butter is almost complete.

Coming up in November and December, other than our “Player 3 entering the game”, is some additional press including a New York Times article on estate planning for singles, a Kiplinger Personal Finance article on how to think about receiving financial assistance from your parents and a webinar on The Millennial Problem AND Solution with popular student loan and refinance company,

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