A Failed Recruitment Model and Refinancing Your Federal Loans

I thought it would never get warm in NYC, but here we are. Welcome back fellow readers and personal finance enthusiasts! There’s nothing too crazy last month and, for those of you that were concerned from the previous post, I am feeling a little less stressed out. So, thanks to those of you who’ve asked.

New York Stock Exchange Opens For A New Week After Heavy Losses FridayI wrote a somewhat “provocative” piece for the New York Observer titled The Reason Personal Finance is Suffocating. It’s an op-ed that explores the paucity of talent entering the personal financial services industry due to a failed recruitment model. I not only discuss how things got this way, but I provide a solution as well. Give it a look if you haven’t already and see why I somewhat enjoy a relatively low level competition in my field.

Sticking with the theme of writing, I had the honor of writing an article for my peeps over at CNBC called, Don’t Rush to Refinance Your Federal Student Loans. I felt compelled to address what we see happening with student loan re-financing at the moment. By now, many of you may have received an ad in the mail from a Commonbond or SoFi-like company offering refinancing opportunities for your student loans. While cutting down your interest rate on your loans could be a great thing, I wanted to make sure people knew what they were giving up when transferring their debt off of the federal government balance sheet to a private lender. Knowledge is most certainly power here.

1464882861421My buddy Matt over at lifewise (who by the way is quickly rising in the NextGen community) was kind enough to suggest we pair up to discuss with US News some ways to turbocharge your investments with these 13 Money Hacks. However, my compliance department wants you to know that my slides are 4, 10, 11 and 13 because someone decided to get specific with their investment advice. I usually don’t think there are “shortcuts” to personal finance, but these slides offer some great tips for just about anyone.

Looking ahead, I anticipate some HUGE news this month which I cannot wait to share with all of you. We’re also going back to the Northside Festival in Brooklyn and I am still exercising my patience with the release the Vox adulting series. They say good things come to those who wait. Have a great June everyone.

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